The CAREUP project investigates how to implement the “inclusive health & care approach (health prevention, preservation of physical & mental health, social participation)” of the AAL Call 2021” by taking into account the specific needs of end-users.
The project is carried out by an international consortium consisting of:
- ECLEXYS Sagl (Switzerland)
- EURAG Österreich (Austria)
- National Institute of Health and Science on Aging – IRCCS (Italy)
- Saphyrion Sagl (Switzerland)
- Centrul IT pentru Stiinta si Tehnologie SRL (Romania)
- Warsaw University of Technology (Poland)
- Ana Aslan International Foundation (Romania)
- Octilium Sagl (Switzerland)
- Orthokey Italia S.r.l. (Italy)
Projekt finansowany przez Narodowe Centrum Badań i Rozwoju w ramach programu AAL Call 2021 nr umowy AAL/AALCall2021/52/CAREUP/2022.
Kwota dofinansowania: 1 051 785,55 PLN